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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Lily Allen Is A Cunt

women shouldn't be allowed to speak, jk.
Lily Allen has branded Radiohead “arrogant” for giving fans the chance to download their new album, ‘In Rainbows’, for free.
The singer reportedly said that she thinks it is unfair for the millionaires to devalue recorded music and survive on touring money when new artists can’t.
“It’s arrogant for them to give their music away for free - they’ve got millions of pounds. It sends a weird message to younger bands who haven’t done as well,” WENN reports Lily as saying. “You don’t choose how to pay for eggs. Why should it be different for music?”
In the meantime Liam Gallaher has vowed never to go down the Radiohead digital root. Saying he would never ‘over his dead body’ let an Oasis album be given away for free.

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